Monday, November 28, 2022

Winter is Back this week...

 Cooler weather is perfect for us.

Three coats tonight by a big team of iceguys.

Dan, Austin both made cameo appearances tonight, along with Craig, Peter, Chris, Adrian, Jamie, Andrew P., and Kurt.

Upper = 16 coats

Lower = 18 coats

Temp. -15ºC

Must mention a big thanks!!! to Bill and Andrew G. for coming down this afternoon and clearing off the upper and lower for us. Andrew started the Whoopie Doodles on the upper.

Peter warming up by the fire,
The whole mob around the fire. 
Andrew G. made the partition wall for smaller hockey people.
Austin still has the GAME on the wet end.

Looking for a show of hand for December 16th a Friday night for the annual Flood Fest.
Let me know if you can make it. As usual bring the family. 

Keeping the hose on the ice,

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