Monday, January 27, 2025

 Total Upper = 43

Total Lower = 45

Bill, Peter, Kris, Adrian, Craig and Kurt found some energy to scrape and get the ice in good shape for shinny tomorrow.

It was well used since it has been a week Monday last that it was updated with H2O.

Koot's owner is unaware of the fun he was having with the SkateMate.


We will be getting a "Cold Front starting" this weekend. Let's get out Thursday night at 8PM and give it a good multi-coat blast.

Keeping the hose on the ice,

Monday, January 20, 2025

Total Upper = 41

Total Lower = 43  

Two coats on each tonight. Handcrafted by Bill, Craig, Austin, Both Andrews and Kurt

Craig got the fire started.

Austin on the Wet End.

Bill is doing a good job keeping the hose on the ice.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

Warm, Windy and Wet...

Total Upper = 39

Total Lower = 41 

Forecast was right on tonight. -8ºC overnight. Weathering the wind tonight...Kris, Chris, Craig, Bill, Jeff, Adrian and Kurt. Cleared the skiff of snow this afternoon and managed to put on two coats.

Ice is holding up very well considering the warm weather and popularity of the ice. 

Snow is in the near future. Let's keep an eye out an do a weekend clear if the snow is heavy.

First coats on both with a long hydration in between coats.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


Monday, January 13, 2025

Warm, but Still Managed to Flood...

Total Upper = 37

Total Lower = 39

Andrew P., Craig, Peter, Bill, Kris and Adrian did a great job of two coats in the warm  -1º C evening.

"Koot" keeping an eye on the progress.

Great work everyone,


Thursday, January 09, 2025

Thursday Night Flood,

  Total Upper = 35

Total Lower = 36

Minus 6ºC tonight. Another record attendance for the year 2025. 

Danny, Craig, Jeff, Andrew P., Andrew G., Kris, Adrian, Kurt and AMY! Amy's boy has been enrolled in the Shinny program on Tuesday nights. She wanted to see how the ice was made and we showed her the process. Thanks Amy.

We managed to put down two coats on each tonight.

There were some young flames fans that came down for a skate. We had to kick them off around 8:30 pm. Truly a Canadian scene tonight.

The team hydrating between coats.

Let's keep an eye on the snow-cast, looks like Monday to meet again at 8 PM.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


10 IceGuys on Monday...

  Total Upper = 32

Total Lower = 34

Fair-weather Iceguys on Monday.

Andy, Andrew P., Andrew G., Peter, Craig, Matthew, Jamie, Kris, Chris, and Kurt, cleared and readied the rinks for the first night of shinny Tuesday.

This is not what Bill likes to see with the hose layout, Rookie job.
Bill would be proud of the hose layout.

Friday, January 03, 2025

First Flood of the Year!

 Total Upper = 29

Total Lower = 31

It was -16ºC and perfect temperature for flooding last night.

Jeff, Craig, Andrew P., Bill, Adrian and Kurt weathered the cold to clear and flood two coats on each.

Shinny starts next Tuesday night, So Monday, let's get out for a flood @8PM.

See you then,


It took some time clearing and scraping to get to the flooding stage.

Craig inspecting the lower rink prior to H2O.
Kurt and Andrew P. controlling the flow on the ice.