Thursday, January 31, 2013
End of January Party temp -2 C
Peter, Brad, Austin, Ian ,Kurt and Bud cleaned and added two coats to each rink.
Later Kris join us and we had pizzas Thanks to Nick's. So now we have a record 71 coats on the upper and 65 on the lower. This should be a very busy and warm Superbowl weekend.Thanks to Brad and Denise for the bottles for the slush fund.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Shinny Update from Coach Grant Parks
Last Tuesday night was one of the most fun shinny nights that I can remember. It was a bit colder than it has been for a while (-10C), but it didn’t phase the kids or their steadfast parents one bit. We had 13 kids out. As usual, we started off working on some skills: stopping, parallel turning, parallel turning while carrying the puck and we played a puck control game towards the end of the skills portion of the evening. Our puck control games usually result in us losing piles of pucks. I am not sure if the pucks are accumulating in the snow banks around the rink or whether the kids are surreptitiously pocketing them; nonetheless, pucks escape at a prodigious pace. He he he. A friend of mine from the Predators Hockey Club has donated a case of 100 brand new pucks to the Rosemont Shinny Program. A thank you goes out to John Yarovich for this support. Following the hot chocolate break, we played continuous shinny for one hour with no spares sitting on the sidelines. It was an even match and the kids had a blast. It started to very lightly snow half-way into the shinny game, however, the kids didn’t mind one bit. I tend to stay until the last kid goes home, so the kids get as much shinny in as they want and their parents can handle. It was a fun evening and improvement in all of the kids is obvious already.
Captain Kurt's Ice Guy Blog for Thursday Jan. 24,2013
Giuseppi,JR.Brad,Jamie and Kurt, cleaned and added two coats to each.Now 69 coats on the upper, which ties the Old Record and 63 on the lower. According to the picture above, JR and Kurt installed and enjoyed a cool tub,;-) See what happens when they are left without supervision.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
4 guys and -13 C
Kris, Kurt,and Bud cleaned and added two coats to each rink,first floods in two weeks. Ian brought Scotch and bottles for the slush fund. Now 67 coats on the upper and 61 on the lower.We could have used more help, see picture above,just saying, ;-)
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Clean Sweep Temp 6 C
Tonight; Brad, Bud, Peter, Austin and Kris , plus some hockey players cleaned both rinks.It was to warm to flood, so we didn't.
Monday, January 14, 2013
We Are Famous ! Tonight's Temp 0 C
Kurt found this map, cool yeah ?.Tonight during the meeting some folks cleaned the upper rink while their kids skated,they left before we could thank them. Later Bud used Bruno the Blower while Jamie, Dennis and Kris shoveled the lower rink.All the rinks needed was cleaning, so we didn't flood.It was a beautiful night, good work team.
Friday, January 11, 2013
8 inches ( 20 cm ) and -13 C ( 7 F )
We had Bud and JR on the blowers ,Bertha ( Old ) Bruno (New ) Kurt with his ( Agent Orange ) Peter,Giuseppe,Clark, Brad , Kris, Austin,on shovels and we cleaned for an hour and a half.Later we had Pizzas and Calgary Beers, pictures from inside of Giuseppe,Peter, Jeff,Bud,and outside at the end of the night, with some shakers.
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Coach Grant's Shinny Report
We had the first Shinny session of the year tonight and it was great! The ice was in unbelievable shape. I don’t think I have ever seen it better. It was like glass.
There were about 19 kids out tonight ranging from about 6 years old to about 12 years old. I would say 50% - 75% of the kids returned from last year. It’s a nice group. Out of the 19 kids about 5 of them were girls. Hockey is definitely continuing to become more popular with girls which is great to see.
Todd Layton came out again to be an Assistant Coach. He is a referee with McKnight and is a very good hockey player himself. He is able to teach the kids a strong, fundamental skill set. I won’t be around next Tuesday, but Todd will run the session and Paulina & Danielle will be Assistant Coaches. If Todd can’t make it, Jamie McNaul has offered to stand in.
And, as usual, Jean Blackstock has done a great job advertising the Shinny Hockey and has made it all happen. Without her support, there would be no shinny hockey in Rosemont.
Take care lads. It was a good first night.
Kind Regards,
Grant Parks, Pictures by Kurt Westergard.
Monday, January 07, 2013
Tonight's Great 8 C
Bud's camera still isn't working, he took this picture of; Dale, Austin, Peter, Kurt, Kris, Jamie and Giuseppe and this is what he got.;-) Tonight we put out the mats for tomorrow night's Shinny ,cleaned and added two coats to the upper and one to the lower. So now we have 65 coats on the upper and 59 on the lower.
Sunday, January 06, 2013
Saturday, January 05, 2013
A Hockey Story.
I was at JR's party last night and met Mike who was born in Canada but moved his family to California to work for Apple.When he moved back, his son told him he wanted to play hockey. So he bought him equipment and brought him to our rinks to practice. He also got his son on a team and he was awarded the most improved.His boy is now 14 and they still love and appreciate our rinks.
Friday, January 04, 2013
Thursday, January 03, 2013
-7 C My Camera still isn't working so...
I have to use this picture.Tonight, Brad, Kurt, Kris, Keith, Jamie, Bud & Grant, cleaned and added two coats to each rink. So now we have 63 coats on the upper and 58 on the lower. Please help us Monday Jan. 7th at 8 pm because we have to get the mats out and the rinks ready for Shinny.
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
January 1st 2012 & January 1st 2013
BLOG report on Sunday January 1st 2012, Biagio, Jamie , & Bud had help cleaning and flooding from Andre, Claire,Kyle & Sean.
We added two coats to each rink ,so now we added 42 on upper & 40 on the lower.
HAPPY NEW YEARS from the 2011-2012 International Ice Guys Federation.
Kurt, Bud, Biagio, Keith, Kris, Grant, Jamie, Andrew, Brad, JR, Ian, Peter, Glenn and new guy Andy Seeger.
BLOG report for Tuesday January 1st 2013, Not a flood night. But we have 61 coats on the upper and 56 on the lower so far.And when we last flooded on Sunday Dec . 31st we had Bud, Austin, Kurt, Keith, Clarke, Brad, and Giuseppe.
HAPPY NEW YEARS from 2012-2013 International Ice Guys Federation So Far; Kris, Bud, Keith, Kurt,Ian, Peter, Biagio, Grant, Jamie, Glenn, Andrew, Jeff,Dennis, Brad, Austin, JR, Dale, Andy, Claire, Andrea, Clark and Giuseppe.
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