Well first of all, it was a record turnout tonight...
Dave, Craig, Keith, Bud, John, Jamie, Ian, Claire, Adrian, Kris, Andrew P., Glenn and Kurt turned out on what seemed to be a mild and fair weather flood on a rare Sunday night (typically Monday night floods). We are considering making Sunday nights our regular flood nights again... we will keep you posted.
We scraped and flooded one coat on each and had to hydrate and wait for the first coat to freeze. Temperature was around 0ºC when we started flooding. As we determined that the surface was ready to receive a second coat, like hundreds of times before, we pulled the hose out to the limit on the upper ice and called out for someone to turn on the water.
To our amazement, the front end at the nozzle was frozen. - during our break we failed to get a the flow of water higher to prevent freezing.
It was a good thing we had a large crowd of people to all contribute into how to thaw the semi-frozen hose. After numerous debated thoughts, ideas and theories, it was HOT water and some patients that prevailed. Only after trying to ram pipes in the front end and stomp on the rubber.
We can't remember the last time the hose was frozen. Some say it was sub -24ºC a decade ago. We were flooding last month in sub -20ºC and kept the hose flowing just fine. It was our beers that we had to pay attention to in December from freezing.
Well, we were eventually able to apply two coats tonight bring the
Total = 34
Finally after about 30 min we were able to set the H20 free and point it to the ice!
Keep the "flowing" hose on the ice,