Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Done for the Year...

 Total Upper = 27

Total Lower = 29

It was finally cold enough to put two coats on last night before the snow fell. Yes, a light dusting of snow started as we rolled up the hose. Bill, Craig, Andrew P., Adrian and Kurt managed to get it the last two coats for 2024.

Happy New Year ALL. Let's flood again next year...Thursday night at 8 PM.

Andrew P on the wet end.
Our little tree by the lower.
Last coat before the snow.

Kurt. Keeping the hose on the ice,

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Monday and Thursdays now...

Total Upper = 23

Total Lower = 25 

Craig, Kris, Andrew P., Peter, Jamie and Kurt got to work scraping (first time this season), and flooding the lower and upper sheets. Looks like the rinks are getting used now that the lights are on the timer.

Skiff of snow last night and snow Wednesday will lead to some shovelling on Thursday night. Hopefully creating some piles on the upper ice. Need some help Thursday night to flood. Who's IN?

Keeping the hose on the ice,


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Flood Festival

Total Upper = 21

Total Lower = 23 

Another great Flood Festival last night on the rinks. We had our annual flooding event, getting the ice ready to take a beating over the holidays with multiple coats. There was some confusion over the number of coats last night. We think 6 on each, we may be wrong. Might have been the number of cleansing ales we consumed.

Super to see the kids of the iceguys out enjoy some fresh air and taking turns on the wet end of the hose to see what its like with the pressure of the hose.

We took a walk, while waiting for the water to go opaque between squirts, to pay a tribute and a toast to our fellow iceguy Dave Anderson.  Dave suddenly passed away two years ago January. His wife had recently contacted the City to place a table in the park near the ice in Dave's name. We opened a nice whiskey maple syrup and poured a glass toasting our dear friend and iceguy. This will be a Christmas tradition during Flood Fest. We miss you Dave!

The next generation enjoying the ice.

These two got hit with the wet end of the hose.

Smooth and steady after multiple coats.

Wrapping it up and having some Christmas cheer after a great night. We set up the timer for the lights and put out the nets. We will start our regular schedule of going Monday and Thursday nights at 8 pm. Hope to see you out there. If and when it snows let's get out the blowers and shovels ASAP.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


Thursday, December 12, 2024

The 12th Day of Christmas...

Total Upper = 15

Total Lower = 18

Great turn out last night, Bill and Peter showed up and saw we had a big crew and left... they will be down Thursday (tonight) Anyone else joining?

Craig, Jeff,  Andrew G., Adrian, Jamie and Kurt continued the work putting two coats on the lower and one on the upper. We will go again tonight, and tomorrow's Flood Fest... and on to the regular Monday and Thursday nights at 8 pm.

We will set the timer for the lights starting Saturday and get the nets out Friday durning the multi coats.

Jeff on the wet end, he hasn't lost his touch with the flare on the hose.
Bud was there to start decorating. He could have put a bit more effort in making the ornament. Like put some glitter on the edge of the puck or something. Less is more right Bud? Love it!

We concord the lower ice like the champions we are!

Keeping the hose on the ice,

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Keep it Going this Week...

 Total Upper = 14

Total Lower = 16

LOOKING GREAT down there as we showed up.

8 pm works for the rest of the week. Need a crew for tomorrow (Wednesday night).

Peter, Kris, Jeff, Bill, Andrew P., and Kurt put down 2 coats on each tonight. Reminder, when doing multiple coats, start on the upper.

We are planning to put the nets out on Saturday morning and get the lights on a timer.

Andrew P. led the final coat on the lower with a even coat and finished it off. After running the hose down hill, Kurt took the detached end at the basement door and lifted the hose over his shoulder to start draining the hose, as he got closer to the lower ice the hose was getting heavier. Kurt asked if Andrew P. had removed the brass nozzle at the creek. Andrew P. replied; "No. Darn it!"

A second attempt now, and Kurt's should needs some "tiger palm", Kurt starts draining to notice a couple if not three, kinks in the hose. All good and put away!

Keeping the hose on the ice,


10 Days of Flooding... 9 Pints of empties, 7 guys of flooding....

Holidays are upon us!

Total Upper = 12

Total Lower = 14

Kris, Chris,  Andrew G., John and Craig put down two coats on the twin rinks last night. Ice is looking great, and getting used well.
We are moving towards our usual 8 pm Monday and Thursday next week. 

Ice guys BBQ and flood is this Friday at 6:30 pm. 

Kurt started a new tradition, he decorated the new spruce tree the City planted this year. Feel free to decorate with an ornament.

Kris the traveller is back on wet end.
Ice is looking smooth.

Keeping the hose on the ice,

Friday, December 06, 2024

Day 9 / Scraping and a Flood

 Total upper = 10

Total Lower = 12

Bill, Craig, Peter, Andrew P., and Kurt grabbed theirs scrapers and attacked the high spots on the lower. After creating shavings and chunks of frozen H2O, Kurt got his blower going clear the ice. 
Peter, suggested to do a thin coat... So we laid down a quick one.

Flames Lost in overtime, but got a point.

Let's take the weekend off..
Wait for some cold in a week.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


Thursday, December 05, 2024

Day 8 / Flooding

Total upper = 9
Total Lower =11

The team on the lower
"R" for Rosemont

Putting the drained hose away

Monday, December 02, 2024

Day 7 / Skatable Ice?...

Total Upper = 8 coats

Total Lower = 9 coats

3 PM flooding was a good idea, thanks Peter, Bill and Kurt for sneaking a flood in on Sunday afternoon. We were hoping for another flood in the at 7 pm, but didn't have a third. Bill and Craig were down. Thanks for trying guys.

Weather is warming up, but cold enough at night to keep going.

See you at 7 PM. this week until further notice.

Andrew G. took this shot yesterday, Yes if you look closely, playing hockey on the lump lower ice.

Keeping the hose on the ice.
Some shots with daylight. (usually its dark)

The exchange of the wet end.

Peter doing a proper "Draining of The Hose" technique.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Day 6 / Flooding Sunday...


Total Upper = 7 coats

Total Lower = 8 coats

Bill, Jeff, Peter, Craig, and Kurt laid down a thick coat on each Saturday night. The temp was around -17ÂșC. perfect for keeping the layers going.

Sunday TWO shifts.

3 PM    Peter, Bill, and Kurt will be heading down for an afternoon shift. Could use a fourth or so.

7 PM    Craig is leading the night shift, More help is needed.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


The team finishing the upper, Always starting on the upper... to finish on the lower/ better draining. FYI.
Usually, we take a break by the fire after the upper. Not tonight, Peter grabs the hose and heads down.
Finished the lower early.
Craig took some photos of the frost on the surface of the smooth parts.