Coats To DATE:
74 Lower
70 Upper
Temperature -13C / light snow.
The team put down 3 coats on each tonight. Big thanks to team; Craig, Kris, Peter, Russell, Bill, Adrian, Andrew P., Jamie, Austin (made a "Cameo" appearance tonight. Happy New Year!)
Coats To DATE:
74 Lower
70 Upper
Temperature -13C / light snow.
The team put down 3 coats on each tonight. Big thanks to team; Craig, Kris, Peter, Russell, Bill, Adrian, Andrew P., Jamie, Austin (made a "Cameo" appearance tonight. Happy New Year!)
Coats To DATE:
71 Lower
67 Upper
Temperature -15ºC (windchill -25ºC)
4 Coats in two hours might be a record set! "Never seen it before in my 15 years of making ice". Kurt says to the mob of volunteers tonight. That's right; It might be another record set tonight with 15 iceguys on the coldest night of the year. (literally) LOL.
Peter, Craig, Kris (Cameo appearance... again), Chris, Jamie, Andrew P., Andy (needs a haircut. Nice to see you.), Alex, Neil, Peter (where are the seal protestors?), John, Dan, Jeff, Adrian, and Kurt.
Total Coats To Date;
67 Lower
63 Upper
Overnight temperature -8ºC.
Bill, Andrew G., Jamie, Andrew P., Craig, Peter, Russell, Chris, Adrian, Glen, and Kurt... where able to lay down three coats on each tonight. We met a new hopeful iceguy who seemed to be keen, Matt from Huntington hills. Matt just moved in to a place in Huntington and was scouting the NW for a place to skate and found our neck of the woods. Welcome Matt and glad to have you help out.
Flash Back a Year Ago...
Kurt laying down the Final lower coat.
Keeping the hose on the ice,
Kurt, Andrew G., Bill, Chris, Dan, Craig, and Peter were able to lay down 3 coats on the upper and 2 coats on the lower tonight.
Total Coats To Date;
64 Lower
60 Upper
Overnight temperature -9ºC.
Looking forward to lower temperatures coming this week. See you Thursday night at 8PM.
Keeping the hose on the ice,
We managed to flood two coats in these warm temperatures.
Total Number of Coats;
59 Lower
54 Upper
Overnight temp -4ºC.
The ice has been holding up considering PLUS temperatures we have been having, and Covid-19 bringing more crowds down. (Which is bad on both fronts).
The plan is to flood Thursday night at 8 pm Jan 14th, and Skate at 8 am Friday morning. Be there or B-Square.
Keeping the hose on the ice,
We managed to put on THR33 coats on each sheet tonight.
Glen, Bill, Andrew P., Craig, Alex, Adrian, Chris, Neil, John and Kurt scraped and flooded after having to kick off a large amount of skaters. (Again).
Total Coats to date;
57 Upper
54 Lower
Temperature is -9ºC overnight.
SPECIAL THANK YOU! to Matthew G. for dropping off the generous amount of hydration cans for the team to keep up the good work. It should last a week! LOL.
Two coats on each tonight.
Total Coats to Date;
Temperature -2ºC (Overnight, depending on source).
54 Lower
51 Upper
Andrew p
Keeping the hose on the ice,
Craig was down in the afternoon and took these shots. This is not good when you see crowds of people like this. The warm New Year's Day temperatures attracted a mob of people.
Total Coats to date;
Temperature -1ºC overnight
52 Lower
49 Upper
They struggled to get people off the ice before Craig, Bill, Dan and Chris scraped and managed to squeeze two coats in on a very warm night. Happy New Year!