Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Nine Straight Nights...

 Total Coats after nine days of Flooding;

Upper = 11 coats

Lower = 13 coats

Looking really good. And I'm not talking about us iceguys, but the ice.

Kris, Bill, Peter and Kurt put two coats on each tonight.

Light medium coat on the lower Bill Kris and Peter down there.

Wind was making things a bit cold so Kurt was able to start a fire with just two matches in Craig's absence tonight.

Looking good. The Ice that is!

Weather looks warm over the weekend so lets do some maintenance tomorrow night Thursday at 7 PM
Bring a broom and a scraper and we can chip off the lumpy bits.

Then we can take a weekend off starting Friday night  Monday look warm too 0º C overnight.

Go Flames Go tomorrow and I will bring down Radio.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


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