Saturday, November 30, 2024

Day 5 / Flooding...

 WE are going every night until we get it smooth. Last night...

TOTAL Upper = 6 coats 

TOTAL Lower = 7 coats

It's Saturday morning and still cold, the week coming up looks to be warmer (It's Calgary). We are going every night and there are parts of the lower that are already looking smooth. Let's keep going guys.

See you at 7 PM tonight.

Kurt on the blower, trying to clear the skiff of snow off the upper.

The upper looks like a few more good heavy floods.
Andrew making things happen on the lower. We decided to not blow the skiff but flood the snow.

The park is full of frost and the trees look beautiful in the night sky.

7 pm to 9:50 pm got the rinks done.

See you at 7 pm tonight.... email if you can make it please REPLY ALL.

Keeping the hose on the ice... Kurt

Day 4 Flooding...

 It's all about team work and volume to get the rinks up off the grass, and we are off to a good start!

Grant playing air guitar with the hose.
The team!!!
Peter on the wet end of the hose.
Grant, Andrew P., and Jamie (Rosemont man through and through)
Cold night.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Day 3 / Flooding

 Lower = 4 coats

Upper = 3 coats

Bud is making history by showing up twice in 2 years in 2 days.

Great work everyone. We have perfect icemaking weather COLD and NO SNOW. Let's keep it going tomorrow at 7 PM.

Keeping the hose on the snow,


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Day 3 / Flooding...

Upper 1 coat = 3

Lower 1 coat = 4 total

Bill,  Andrew and Andrew plus Kurt tonight.

Nozzle off and long coats. We started late tonight about 7:25 pm until 10:00 pm. 

Let me know who can make it the day of, so we can make sure we have enough gripper on the ice.



Monday, November 25, 2024

Day 2 / Flooding

Day 2

Upper ice = 2 coats

Lower ice = 3 coats

The snow was a bit bumping on the lower, we used a blower to get rid of the ridges.

Peter, both Andrews, Craig, John, and Kurt got at it at 7 pm to 9:45 pm.

Great start to the season fellas lets keep it up all week.

7 pm if you can.

I forgot to mention, Dave Anderson's wife came down Sunday afternoon and introduced herself to me. I gave a big hug and passed on all our sadness, having such a great guy helping us and sadly life cut so short. She wanted me to let all of you know about a City bench that she had installed in,  Memory of Dave, just west of the rinks and ball diamond near the bridge by the duck pond. She also said she would like to bring down some cleansing ales one of these nights and meet us.

Keeping the hose on the ice,



Three coats on the lower.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Packing 12" of snow Day 1

 Wow what a snow fall over the last 3 days.

Peter and Kurt got out Thursday night to pack the snow, Then Friday came with a tonne of snow for the next 24 hours. Peter and Kurt repacked Saturday night so we could get some H2O on it this afternoon.

Big thanks to the crew that showed up (sorry about missing a couple of iceguys emails).

Kurt's long time friend from Haysboro SW came out to see what this ice making "thing" was all about...THANKS Dave C.

We have never had this much snow before flooding, so it was new to all of us have to go about creating a good base. We kept the nozzle on to get a good crust, we will take the nozzle off on the second coat and really get the base up.

We are going every night at 7 pm until we have "skate-able" ice. Come on out if you can more the better, but we may do an early shift and late shift, for it is a three man crew right now. We can sort it out as we go.

Here are some photos of the day today...

See you on the ice, well snow right now,


Lots of sledders coming and going all day.
Peter, Kurt and Bud posing for the camera.
Keeping the hose on the snow pack.
Kurt's Friend Dave C. from Haysboro on the wet end of the hose.
Craig, Grant and Peter on the snow pack
Some sledders came to warm up by the fire. Thanks for starting the fire Bud.

Andrew G., soaking the snow.
Down memory lane. Bud asked when we received the best ice in Calgary Award.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Leaves Gone...

 We were able to get a small crew and some fossil fuels to get rid of the leaves.