Thursday, February 28, 2013

To Warm to Flood

THE END IS NEAR Only Brad showed up.Watch the weather Monday the 4th and Thursday the 7th may also be out. We need a head count for our Wrap Up Party on Friday March 8th.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Snowing Tonight -3 C

Ian and Bud showed up but it was snowing so we didn't clean or flood. Captain Kurt is removing from Hernia surgery here's his story; Back home on Percecett. Getting high. Too bad about da snow. It is cold enough for it. :) Good news I got a two-for-1 deal today. First of all my old hernia healed just fine. I blew a hole under the old one. Then he found another new one above the old one. So he put a big piece of mess to cover any future blow outs. P.S. THAT BUD IS A HECK OF A GUY ! Also we hope to do the year end wrap up party, Friday March 8th. Stay tuned for info and hope to see you this Thursday Feb. 28th.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Nice night, but Kris & Kurt are going away

Tonight; Kurt, Austin, Biagio, Ian, Brad, Adrea,and Bud cleaned and added two coats to each rink, We now have a record, 81 coats on the upper and 75 on the lower. Kurt is now working for Hernia and Kris is in Australia, leaving Bud in charge, scary isn't it ? We meet again Monday the 25th at 8 pm. A wrap up party is being planned so watch this blog for details. Also here's a shinny report from Grant Parks. The rinks were great and this must be due to Ice Guy intervention! Thank you!!!! Anyway, we had a blast on Tuesday. To keep things fresh, I run the “Shinny Olympics” once a year. We form two teams and I basically give out points to the teams for how they compete in different events. The kids seem to love it and it is a different format, so it keeps them engaged in the program. The objectives of the Olympics are: a) Have fun, b) design events that reinforce the skills we have been teaching to date, c) design events that enable the kids to compete on a level playing field despite the wide range in skill levels, d) to foster sportsmanship and e) to make all the kids feel good about themselves. At the end, I always declare the competition to be a tie and the kids get “goodies”. This year, each participant received some cookies, some chocolates and a new puck. It is extremely rewarding to see how much the kids are enjoying themselves and to see them improve their hockey skills.

2013 Booster Club Sportsman of the Year

Congratulations to our friend, Tony Spoletini from Spolumbo's, for this well deserved honor.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Night Recovery, Temp -7 C

The rinks are is bad shape & the nets are frozen in ,but Kurt, Keith, Ian & Bud, cleaned and added a coat to each. Now 79 coats on the upper and 73 on the lower.Have a Happy Family Day.Hope to see you Thursday at 8 pm for a clean & flood.Plus Happy Birthday to Kurt.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kurt send me this report & picture

Peter,Ian, Brad,Biagio,Kris,Glenn, Jeff, Jamie and Kurt, cleaned and added two coats. Now 78 coats on upper and 72 on lower. Posted by Bud the Idea Guy, who was WORKING and couldn't make it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Looking Good Temp -1 C

It's been warm but the Rinks are holding their own. Clockwise in picture ; Peter, Biagio, Bud ,Ian and Adrea,cleaned and added two coats to each. Now 76 on upper and 70 coats on the lower. ( Feb.12,2012 we only had 61 coats on the upper & 56 on the lower )NOTE :This week we are flooding Wednesday the 13th so we can have Valentines with our Wives & Families and meeting again on Sunday to keep things in shape for the Family Day weekend.

Thursday, February 07, 2013


THREE; Jamie, Ian and Kurt cleaned and did TWO coats on each rink. Now 74 coats coats on the upper and 68 on the lower. Good job men !

Monday, February 04, 2013

temp.-2 C Welcome Aaron & Sean

Picture ^ Aaron, Bud & Sean.We also had Austin,Biagio, Ian, Peter, Kris, Brad and Andrea. So we cleaned and added a coat to each rink, plus moved the Goalies and Nets to lower rink , because upper is starting to wear out. Now 72 coats on the upper and 66 on the lower.