Thursday, December 09, 2021

Skatable Ice on Day 4...

 Daniel WINS!

Photo in the snow shows evidence of skaters on the ice. There were also skate marks on the ice but I, Kurt, was busy trying to start the fire. Bill and Peter were flooding and confirmed skate marks on the lumpy bumby sheets.

Total coats to date: 3 Coats tonight

Upper 11 coats

Lower 11 coats

The Calgary Flames LOST to the Huricanes tonight in overtime, but we WON on getting the ice to become the fastest skateable ice in recent history. The Thursday night crew..., Bill, Peter, Daniel, Criag, Andrew P.,  and Kurt listened to the hockey game on the radio while flooding.

Hose management between coats...

Improvising on tools used to drain the hose. Kid's shovel works great. (hard to see, but the red blade is the shovel)

The Finish Coat as we put on THIRD layer...

That's Kurt on the nozzle.

See you tomorrow, Friday night at 7 PM.
Might be a mini-flood Fest, Just thinking.

Keeping the hose on the ice,

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