Wednesday, December 08, 2021

It Was a Work OUT Tonight, but INcredible Results

Day 4 and 8 Coats

Temperature -15ºC

Upper 8 coats

Lower 8 coats

Absolutely incredible results tonight after showing up with 3 cm of snow over the lumpy, bumpy frozen Goo-of-surface. The team pulled through by bringing down their shovels and clearing off the upper at the same time laying out the Whoopsie Doodles!.

Thanks to the Lads; Bill, Daniel, Craig, Adrian, Andrew G., Jamie, and Kurt.

Laying out the Whoopsie Doodles. We made the WHALE BACK disappear by covering it up. "If you can't fix it, feature it! "

Freezing in the banks and solidifying the islands on the upper ice. 

You can always tell when its the first few floods, the hose is a rat's nest.  We have a much better layout once we remember what to do.

Kurt did not make this fire! (for the record, he tried twice to get it started with GAS.)

We should have skatable ice soon.

We installed a new "Leader" hose. The old one had signs of "RF" Rubber Fatigue. From now on, let's store the Leader hose over the roll and let it drain. There were a number of kink marks that caused the old hose to fail.

See you all Tomorrow at 7 PM.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


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