Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Clear and Flood

Added two coats tonight...
Total coats = 27 on each

Kris, Jamal, Andrew P., Colin, and Kurt cleared the edges and put down two coats tonight.

We are a GO for Thursday flooding.
My surgery is on Friday morning so I am going to most likely take the night off. Can’t drink a beer or eat Thursday night anyway.

I will be recovering for the next week. So Please note that Monday and Thursday next week are scheduled flooding nights. I will try to send out emails from home to coordinate the team if things change.

Happy New Year since I won’t see most of you!
Your hard work has been noticed by many that I have met at the ice. They are very appreciative that they have a park and such great ice to skate in.

Cheers Everyone.
Keep the hose on the ice,


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