^ Picture send to Captain Kurt, of poor man's Zamboni at Stanley Park rinks,they recently purchased a tractor and converted the back end with a distribution device. At the meeting;
There where 17 different Community Rinks.
The Rosemont Rinks as well as others where in the slide show .
The City supplied Pizza , wings , veggies , pops and had a reasonable cash bar.
Brad Trumble from Hockey Calgary talked.
Nice Rink from Wisconsin had a hand held Ice Resurfacer there, here’s a link http://www.nicerink.com/resurfacers/ and other stuff.
It was a interesting and informative meeting.
The Glamorgan Community has a amazing set up, a separate Rink building with a garage for their Zamboni, plus a fire place and change rooms.
After the meeting Andre, Kurt, Ian and l realized how nice it would be to also have a sweeper.
ALSO, I took some pucks that Sheila and l found around the rinks, added them to the ones Kurt and Paulina found and we now have 53 pucks in the hose room.
K & P found 26 pucks and S & B found 27 including a pink one..LOL
NOTICE We need to meet when the weather is nicer and take down the window nets, adjust the Christmas lights and Please Bring your Bottles for the Slush Fund.
Regards Bud the Idea Guy
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