Sunday, December 01, 2024

Day 6 / Flooding Sunday...


Total Upper = 7 coats

Total Lower = 8 coats

Bill, Jeff, Peter, Craig, and Kurt laid down a thick coat on each Saturday night. The temp was around -17ºC. perfect for keeping the layers going.

Sunday TWO shifts.

3 PM    Peter, Bill, and Kurt will be heading down for an afternoon shift. Could use a fourth or so.

7 PM    Craig is leading the night shift, More help is needed.

Keeping the hose on the ice,


The team finishing the upper, Always starting on the upper... to finish on the lower/ better draining. FYI.
Usually, we take a break by the fire after the upper. Not tonight, Peter grabs the hose and heads down.
Finished the lower early.
Craig took some photos of the frost on the surface of the smooth parts.

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