Saturday, February 11, 2023

Winter Festival...

 A memorable day it was today indeed. This morning was Dave Anderson's (fellow IceGuy) funeral service. Family and friends remember him as a man that loved life, and loved to laugh. We knew him for a short time, and he did love to joke and he alway made time to help out on the ice when he could. The service showed us just how much he did for others, and we as iceguys are grateful that he was able to take time with us when he could, in helping out making and maintaining the ice rinks. Truly a man that will be missed by many.  You can bet he would have been down today to join in this wonderful winter festival.  "See ya Dave"!

The place was a constant buzz of activity and the ice was well used by hundreds of people coming and going. The Rosemont Elementary School in conjunction with our Rosemont Community Association, put on a fantastic winter festival today.

Coloured building bricks and making a fort.
Calgary Police Services were down for a skate and showing off some vehicles in the parking lot.
Matthew in the jersey with his wife and kids enjoying the festival.

At left, Adrian and Craig making sure people had the right hydration levels.
Adrian's youngest daughter (Rossie) is not getting arrest. The dog Cascade is on a leash.

The young Police recruits helped out with their supervisors.
Calgary Fire Fighters kept the truck open for kids to jump in and get a feel behind the wheels of the big rigs.

We will have a lot of work to do on Monday to clean up. Hope to see you all there.
Keeping the hose on the ice,

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