This winter was 8th warmest in Calgary’s history.
This season 2011- 2012
Opening day, Dec 9th , 2010 last year, this year Nov 27th.2011
Closing day, March 13th last year, this year March 2nd.
last year 66 coats upper,this year 69,
last year 54 coats lower, this year 61,
New for this season;
W.W.W.= Westergard Water Wheel*
the new light*
hose quick releases*
new goalie*
longer lower rink
new connection to water main*
the Duggan Delivery , new flooding method.
C.B.C. news and radio coverage re; Global Warming
Team ;Kurt, Bud, Biagio, Keith, Kris, Grant, Jamie, Andrew, Brad, JR, Ian, Peter, Glenn and new guy Andy Seeger
Shinny report..
Once again, the Rosemont shinny program was an amazing success according to Coach Grant Parks and Coach Todd Layton. With 20+ children enrolled, each outing was a spirited affair. The practices are broken into three segments: 1) skills building, 2) hot chocolate break and 3) a scrimmage. The primary objectives of the program, in order, are: fun, skills development and sportsmanship. At the end of the practice, the kids don’t want to leave and over the course of the winter, the kids’ level of skill clearly improves. A special thanks goes out to Jean Blackstock who organizes and manages the entire program. And, a special thanks goes out the “Almost Famous Ice Guys” for continually gracing us with the best ice outdoor ice in Calgary on which to practice. Another great season!
Thanks Spolumbo’s for sausages ,Nick’s for pizza, Pepsi for water & G2 and Harmony Homes (Kurt ) for all the extras *
Tonight's wrap up party was attended by, Andrew, Kris, Keith, Kurt, Glenn, Peter, Ian, & Bud.
Thanks to Nick's for the Pizzas, Peter for the above photos, the bottle fund for the chips, dips & beer, Plus Kurt and Andy for bring beer.
Our wish list for next year is;
New Goalie, new Snow Blower, new flat hose and new nozzle and to remove the whale back.
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